
Services We Provide
1. Supported Living
- Sticking with people when things get tough.
- Working out the right thing to do with the person we support and their family.
- Adopting and responding to what is happening now.
- Being in the moment.
- Listening, feeling, watching, reflecting, noticing people and giving the support they need.
- Helping people experience home as a sanctuary.
- Being known and be part of the community they live in.
- Being a good neighbour.
2. Day opportunities
- Supporting people with complex needs in ordinary settings within the community
- Being able to support people to do things, that everyone does along-side other people.
- Developing positive work relationships with families that work for everyone.
- Understand behaviour as positive communication and responding to it.
3. Carer Support
- Meeting the needs of the carers, families and the person supported well.
- Making space for the person to be more than a carer.
- Positive experience for the person being supported.